
What to do when you are feeling depressed about weight gain during pregnancy

Though beautiful and transformational, pregnancy has physical and emotional problems. Many expecting mothers worry about weight gain. Putting on weight during pregnancy is normal, but it can cause sadness and body image concerns. In this article, we will discuss pregnant weight gain, its emotional effects, and ways to cope with depression associated with physique gain. If you’re feeling depressed about weight gain during pregnancy, talk to your partner, friends, or a doctor for advice.

What causes pregnancy depression to be ignored?

Depression can affect sleep, energy, appetite, and libido, like pregnancy. Therefore, you or your doctor may ascribe these symptoms to pregnancy rather than sadness. Due to the stigma of depression, pregnant women may be reluctant to discuss mood changes with their doctors. Physical rather than mental wellness is also prioritized throughout pregnancy.

Risk factors

Some depression risk factors are:

  • Anxiety and life stress
  • A history of depression
  • Lack of social support
  • Unintentional pregnancy
  • Intimate partner violence

How frequent is pregnancy depression?

Joy and stress can accompany pregnancy. About 7% of pregnant women experience depression, according to research. Low- and middle-income countries may have greater rates. The most frequent mood illness in the general population is depression, which produces sorrow and loss of interest. Women are twice as likely to have depression, which peaks during the reproductive years.

Why is pregnant depression treatment important?

Depression can make it hard for women to get prenatal care, feed their babies well, or take care of themselves. Bonding troubles and postpartum depression are also more common. Counseling and medication may alleviate depression, depending on its severity. When you’re depressed about weight gain during pregnancy, focus on your and your baby’s health by stressing healthy eating, modest activity, and positive affirmations.

Depression screening standards for pregnant women?

A standardized depression and anxiety screening instrument is recommended at least once during pregnancy. Your doctor may ask for a standardized mood and anxiety screening questionnaire during screening. Scored replies can indicate despair. Instead, your doctor may inquire if you’ve felt down, hopeless, or unmotivated in the past month. There is little evidence that prenatal depression screening and treatment enhance outcomes.

After depression is recognized, resources and therapy may vary. However, prenatal depression screening may help you understand your risk of sadness and anxiety. Do not wait for a screening if you suspect pregnant depression. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and decide what to do next.

Pregnancy Weight Gain and Anxiety Control Tips

Remember that everything about your body during pregnancy is transient. Try some of these techniques to reduce your anxiety and stay healthy for you and your kid

  • Sleep early to feel rested in the morning
  • Carry healthy food in your purse
  • Always carry a water bottle
  • Exercise
  • Then breathe and meditate
  • Take a birth class with your spouse to calm your delivery concerns
  • Attend a newborn class with your spouse to learn about taking the baby home. Discuss concerns with other mothers or pregnant women
  • Talk to your doctor
  • If no one around can sympathize or help, talk to a professional about your feelings and concerns.

How to overcome pregnancy weight gain anxiety?

Even with no body image concerns or disordered eating and knowledge of how vital weight growth is during pregnancy, some women may still worry about gaining the right weight. Stay off the scale and have your doctor weigh you at appointments without seeing the number, if that helps. Discuss your weight gain anxiety with your doctor so they can help establish a pleasant environment.

If you exercise, ask your doctor about a healthy routine that can boost your self-esteem without overdoing it. If weight gain issues cause continual tension and anxiety, consult with a mental health professional to overcome self-acceptance and weight-related fears before or during pregnancy.

Joining an online or in-person pregnancy group might help you discuss your concerns and obtain support. Finally, see a certified dietitian to establish a nutritious diet that meets your and your baby’s nutritional needs.

Some more tips

Depression and worry regarding weight increase during pregnancy are frequent and should be addressed. These tips may help you through this difficult time:

  • Communicate with your healthcare professional about your concerns and feelings. They can help you gain weight healthily during pregnancy, reassure you, and treat any health problems. Learn about the physical changes of pregnancy to reduce anxiety. Prioritize general health over weight gain.
  • Focus on a balanced diet for your health and baby’s development. Maintain your health by making nutritious choices. Engage in safe, acceptable physical activity during pregnancy. Regular exercise improves mood, energy, and pregnant women’s health. Ask your doctor about appropriate activities.
  • Reach out to a helpful friend, family member, or partner to discuss your feelings. Be nice to yourself and accept pregnancy weight gain. Set aside time for self-care activities that provide delight and relaxation. Make time for reading, bathing, and hobbies to improve your mental health.
  • Remember that every pregnancy and body are different. Comparing yourself to others might trigger negative emotions. Prioritize your health. Check for indicators of depression: Consult a healthcare physician or mental health expert if you experience chronic melancholy, hopelessness, eating changes, or sleep problems. These may indicate depression and need support. Remember to seek professional treatment if your feelings are overwhelming or affecting your daily life. Your health is essential, and there are services to help you.


Pregnant women must know the recommended weight increase when they are feeling depressed about weight gain during pregnancy. The Institute of Medicine recommends appropriate weight gain levels based on pre-pregnancy BMI. These guidelines support mother and newborn health by taking into account individual differences. Remember that every woman’s body is different; therefore, weight gain can vary. Healthcare practitioners generally emphasize pregnant health, nutrition, and well-being over scale statistics.

Pregnancy weight gain is natural and required for mother and baby health and growth. Understanding the physiological changes that cause this weight increase might help expecting mothers focus on their health and their developing families.